While the serious ceremony was going on inside, we were goofing off outside and not paying attention to how to get married. "You'll never get married this way, LeTran", Helen would say. Anyhow, I decided that since I was already in traditional garbs, I might as well do an old person pose.
...and then others joined me...and Lily decided that old people should be making faces.
This photo cracks me up.
The boys also did not know how to get married.
"Of course I don't, I'm only 15!"
"Are they done yet? Where is the food?"
"Hey, you know, this engagement business is taking forever. "
"You think they ate all of the food already?"
Yay! Sugary drink! Isn't it cool how it looks like her arm disappeared?
See? I told you I'd attack you with a stick if you don't feed my belly.
"Alright, fine! Have some fried rice"
This is my mom and she said "Now that you're full, maybe it's time you start getting married and give me grandkids!"
...She didn't really say that, but it would have been very funny if she did.
This was my sister's reply "No moooom! LeTran said that this whole wedding thing is too complicated for us to comprehend! I'll get you cats!"
...My sister didn't really say that either.
Let there be cake! OMFG, CAKE!
I was screaming "TEAMWORK, NOW, GUYS!" but since it was in a room full of old Vietnamese ladies who do not know English, no one gave a shit to my screaming.
Cute as hell!
What a great start for an engagement, working together in the kitchen.
I have no more narrative, only a flurry of general fuckeries.
My sister was looking annoyingly pretty.
Everyone else was annoyingly pretty, too.
I now have a girl crush on this girl because she looked cool as hell.
This photo is proof that my jumping-photo virginity had been taken away.
The only time I was ready for a picture and no one else was. Ha!
Let's try that again. FAILED!
Yep, my new girl-crush.
"Look at all of these silly women trying to be cute. I'll show them! Mwhahahhaha!"
"We like to hoard decorations!"
The end! Until the wedding!
You mean 'fries rice?'
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