Sunday, July 13, 2014

DIY long circle skirt (tutorial) - my $14 skirt

I haven't sewn in awhile due to my kitty passing away and another being really sick. Today I made a skirt I've been meaning to make months ago when I saw this pin.

I found this coral fabric at my newly discovered fabric store for $2.50 a yard. Never could I get something like this at Joann for this cheap, even on sale. I've learned never to go to Joann again for fabric or ... anything. Last time I bought fabric there, they cut it 3" too short.

I wanted to add a little bling to the waistband so when I found this lace (also at my new fabric store) for $1.50 a yard, I nearly passed out and bought 3 yards. If I had more money I would have gotten 100. Just kidding.

My total cost for this project was $14!
$7.50 for 3 yards of fabric
$3 for zipper
$2 for lining fabric
$1.50 for a yard of lace


Let's get started.

1. Figure out your measurements.
Unless you use a bed sheet, your fabric will not be large enough to cut a whole circle skirt from. You'll need to cut 2 half circles. Here are 2 methods to cutting. I find I can save fabric and money if I cut using Method #2 because fabric is pretty expensive, I'm cheap and I need money for my cat's vet bills.

2. Figure out your half circles.

3. Cut a lining fabric the same way as the outside fabric, but shorter.
The length depends on you. I made it short so I could save fabric.

4. Hem the bottoms of both the main fabric and the lining.
You can do a standard hem for the bottom. I used a rolled hem on my serger, which turned out to be even more amazing than sliced bread. This was so quick and easy—I left it exposed as it was beautiful like that and it won't fray.

5. Sew the two half circles together on one side. Do the same for the lining.

6. Sew the lining and the main fabric together at the waist.
Remember that both of them should have one side still open. This is where the zipper will go.

7. Attach the lace waistband.
The lace should be at least your waist measurement (or wherever you want the skirt to sit) plus 1-2 inches.

When I sew on the lace, I go in a zig zag pattern, following the lace's pattern. This will make the waistband sturdier and won't be visible.

8. Now, attach your zipper on the open side.
I used an invisible zipper so it won't show that much. This was a pink zipper since I couldn't find a matching zipper for my fabric. Make sure your fold the lace under like the photo so it won't fray.

After attaching the zipper, the last thing to do is sew the rest of the side of the skirt together.