Monday, December 24, 2012


Once upon a time, I met a boy. Recently, I met his beautiful dog, Rocky. Rocky stole my heart and buried it in a safe place.

Rocky is super happy all the time. Examples:

I'm so happy I got a ball.

I'm so happy that you're about to throw me a ball.

I'm so happy I caught the ball

I'm so happy my ears flew up!

I'm so happy I have a friend!

I'm so happy to ride in the car. OMG


All must be well in the world because the sun is shining on me!

Hey, guise, hey, this is my couch. It's also my bed. I'm even happy when I'm inside!

This is how I eat, on the floor!

Standing up to eat? Who has time for that?

Besides running around, I also like to chill quietly and contemplate about why squirrels are such pests!

I also enjoy watching and listening to my human barking. He has a lot of say. I think he lives in a dangerous world. But don't worry, we have a code that he'll tell me whenever he's in danger.

That's me running to the door to make sure that my human is not in danger of squirrel and cat invasions. Those pests!

Sometimes, we practice on chewing up those intruders. Look at me! I'm fierce!

I'll show them!

This new girl human I just met said I'm really photogenic.

I'll have to agree with her.

She really likes it when I lick her because she barks her human happy bark.

She also likes it when I give her my paw. Humans are strange.

I like to rest my head on her lap to keep her warm because she looks really small and frail.

Sunday, December 23, 2012



For my sister's birthday this year, we went to Disneyland! As little kids, it was our dream to go to Disneyland but we could never afford it. After 17 years, we can finally afford it so we packed our bags to dreamland.

We had a few snags along the way due to our flight being delayed for a good 2 hours. I'm not flying Jet Blue again. But! We made it. We got to Disneyland!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012



Someone found my xanga and it reminded me of the embarrassing posts that I made about being angry and depressed through my angsty years. However, it also reminded me that I had a Livejournal. I spent quite a bit of time going through my old entries. Although they are embarrassing to read, I also enjoyed seeing my thought process throughout the years as I was growing up. It's not a bad thing to keep a journal of my thoughts after all. At this point, I think I'll use this blog as a more grown up version of my teenager/young journal for my future self to read.

With that said, I just want to write a note about my trip to Seattle to see my good friend Jenny with Brendan in September of this year. As seen in the photo above, the view from Jenny's rooftop is pretty swag. I had a lot of fun just lazing around with Jenny and Brendan.

The awesome thing was that I got to play with Jenny's dog, Gambit, and Gambit's friend, Forbin.


That's Gambit. He's a really handsome dog. Not only that, he's a super fun dog. He knows his tricks and wanted to play all the time which was super cute!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Art, pup, and shark


Every 2nd Saturday of the month, Sacramento art galleries are open to the public. It's called Sacramento Art Walk or Second Saturday. This month, I went with my sister to one of the galleries because her boss' boyfriend had his stuff on display. Oakland has a similar event called Oakland Art Murmur which happens on every first Friday of each month.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hobbes the Tiger

I'm so proud of myself! I made a Hobbes! That's right, a Hobbes! Look look look!


I saw this post on reddit which led me to this blog post at Sukigirl. It was so great that I had to make it!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Little Green Things

I have this problem and I'm sure I'm not the only one. The problem is: I never use up my cilantro, basil, and green onions whenever I buy them from the store.
Why? Because recipes never call for 10 stalks of green onions, or 1 whole bunch of cilantro, or 10 sprigs of basil. They always call for 1 stalk of green onion, or a few sprigs of cilantro, or a few leaves of basil. It's not like I can coordinate so well that I would make 10 dishes in a row and each of them requires 1 stalk of green onion.

This also bring up the problem of me being too lazy to run to the store just for 1 stalk of green onion, etc. My life is so full of first world problems!

To deal with this problem, my solution is to plant just enough green onion, basil, and cilantro. So, I talked to Nur. Yes yes, I know, I go to Nur for everything. But she's really my domestic goal. When I grow up and decide to decorate a house, get married, have kids, grow a garden, host a dinner party, etc., I will contact Nur for advice on everything.


Nur actually gave me some plastic planter pots, seeds, and cute popsicle sticks to get started. What the? Right? She even put them all in a cute little brown bag with a cute little note. Seriously, man. I feel so special.

So I used Nur's plastic pots, seeds, and some of my starting pots from Target for $1 to sow the seeds. Behold!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Summer Fun


My dad's birthday and this year's Mother's Day happened to be right next to each other, so I decided to combine the two events into one fun event. Why? Because I'm hella lazy.

In the last post, I made the mason jar lanterns especially for this event. I decided that we'd have a nice little summer "picnic" in our backyard. To make it a bit more festive than just sitting around, I made these flags by taping triangle paper sheets to a piece of twine.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mason Jar Hanging Lanterns


I've been seeing a few posts on craft blogs on how to make lanterns out of mason jars here and there. A lot of them use wires to create a hanging point for the lanterns. Since I do not have wire nor a wire cutter, I thought of using twine instead. Here are some blogs that have directions on how to make mason jar lanterns using wires:

Make it do
Oh Lovely Day
Chez Beeper Bebe

These are only some of the numerous DYI instructions found by Google when I typed in "mason jar lantern." I found one that uses twines to hang the mason jars at BlogHer. This idea was very cute but I didn't want to make it very complicated.

Below is my lazy way of making mason jar lantern for a fun summer night in the backyard.