Saturday, November 14, 2009

hello world

I am an almost 30-year-old woman who plays with dolls.

Once in a while, I like to spend a bunch of money to learn two things:

1. I am bad or mediocre at most things.
2. People sometimes give me attention when I told them that I learned new things.

Below is the list of things that I have spent money to do or will be spending money to learn the two points listed above:

1. Rock climbing - already done. Current level: bad.
2. Crochet - currently doing. Current level: you can judge for yourself.
3. Pottery - finishing it up. Current level: horrible.
4. Knitting - currently doing. Current level: I can knit a scarf.
5. Cooking - currently doing. Current level: edible and sometimes good food.
6. Running - currently doing. Current level: I have two half marathons under my belt. You might want to know that I barely finished in time.
7. Drawing - currently doing. Current level: decent with pencil and charcoal.
8. Sewing - currently doing. Current level: I can hem my pants.
9. Open for activity.
10. Open for activity.
11. Open for activity.
12. Open for activity.